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Can I post links to my site?

(Please note that following also applies to links contained member’s SIGs/Signatures.)

If you have a Segway HT related site and want to bring it to the attention of the SegwayChat members - please post to our “Segway Relates Sites and Resources - For fan created site announcements, promotions, contests and resources on the web.”

Some allowances are made where you can link to your site in the main discussion forum. For example, if you recently wrote an article or produced a video - we would all love to read or see it!

However, these types of links should be done in moderation. The forums are not a venue for advertisements in any way. It will be the sole discretion of SegwayChat and its moderators as to what constitutes an advertisement.

We reserve the right to edit any links which we deem abusive of our forum policies, ring of “SPAM” or seem to be designed to steer members away from SegwayChat.

If you run your own Segway HT discussion forum or community site - please do not post a link to your site on SegwayChat. If you need to find forum members, we suggest promoting your site through the search engines of the world. People will find you.

Please note: Discussions about Moderator’s or Administrator’s actions relating to this policy are welcome in e-mail, but should not be discussed through our forums. This is out of respect for the members and moderators of SegwayChat or policy involved.

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